So I kept reading the transcript of the chat room during yesterday’s “Brave Hero” radio show. I know. I know. But that sort of thing is hard to look away from once you’ve looked, like any traffic disaster.
I found something I wasn’t expecting.
DaveMuscato: Hey folks, I just wanted to mention that I’m here (Public Relations Director for American Atheists). I did not catch Dave on the air but I caught some of the calls at the end. I’m happy to do what I can do listen to your feedback if you
DaveMuscato: have something you want me or Dave to know
Color me impressed.
So what did Dave and Dave get for feedback? It’s a bit hard to tell, because PZ was also in the chat room at the time having all sort of accusations thrown at him. Here are the bits I think were probably meant for American Atheists.
Metalogic420: Dave Muscato, SIlverman acted extremely unprofessionally on the show tonight.
Xochipilli2012: It was a great show – emotions ran a bit high, but understandable
DaveMuscato: I am going to go back and listen to it here shortly. I would like to hear your opinions though
ReapSowRadio: im pissed
Karla Porter: That’s great DaveMuscato – I would be interested if you would please listen to the archive when it’s available and provide feedback on Dave’s delivery of his message.
AnaRuiz: Muscato: Tell Dave that when I look into his eyes, I can see a soft refrain ooooooo yeaeaaaa
SubMan USN: Dave, Mr. Silverman actually used the phrase”Good News” to Justin. Everyone who is former Jehovah’s Witness cringed.
Parody Accountant: Dave, know that PZ Myers public washed his hands of the current and former Military Director’s for American Atheists last year, after PZ defended Greg Laden’s violent threats against Justin Griffith
Karla Porter: You know, as the leader of your organization
Pitchguest: I didn’t listen to the first part of the show, but apparently Dave compared the people on the Slymepit to the Klu Klux Klan.
PzMyers: DaveMuscato: Dave Silvermn did fine. He laid down the law, represented American Atheists well as an organization that demands professionalism from its activists.
GaryBuseysComeback: I’d say you may just be seeing ‘***’ where there is none.
James Galore: Silverman is too imprtant to talk to us peasants. He sent his secretary. lol
DaveMuscato: Thanks, PZ. I appreciate hearing your feedback.
Pitchguest: Translation: Professionalism equals calling people you disagree with the equivalent to the Klu Klux Klan.
Skeptic Canary Show: DaveMuscato, my respect for David Silverman dropped like a stone tonight. His appearane on this show was nothing but a 30 minute profanity-laden character attack on Justin Vacula. He felt no need to back up what he was saying with
SubMan USN: Dave used “the sh it” in a manner exactly comparable to “sin”. [The chat room site appears to automatically replace some swearing with asterisks.]
NeilTerry: It’s a shame that so mnay have bought the narrative….that criticizing feminism or feminists in any way is “hatred of women”. Seems that includes AA now. Solverman couldn;t make a single concession that vacula has been treated
Parody Accountant: Dave… <— thats a direct attack against Paul Loebe your current Military Director
NeilTerry: unfairly
Metalogic420: Mr. Silverman also acted unskeptically, even saying “I don’t need to provide examples”.
Skeptic Canary Show: evidence, he kept employing the “guilt by association” fallacy and displayed zero skepticism
Xochipilli2012: It seemed as if Dave had to “lay into” JV, or he’d be getting the Ron Lindsay treatment next
DaveMuscato: Parody Accountant, I’m getting a 404 on that link
Parody Accountant:
Parody Accountant: then scroll to comment 243 for the attack against paul loebe
Parody Accountant: the body of the post is about Justin Griffith
PzMyers: I just checked that link to my “attack” on Paul Loebe. Again with the lies. No attack at all there.
Parody Accountant: “This guy just doesn’t get it:
Parody Accountant: PZ on Paul: “I am not nice to people I don’t like”
David Leech: DaveMuscato, Don’t you see the eye rolling of us europeons when we see all these added extras to atheism. I’m being nice here when I normally tell you yanks to go and *** yourselves. Only probably last year you were on your knees to jeb
Plusgood: dave silverman’s voice vibrated with rage.
curriejean: It did. Preachy rage.
David Leech: Jebus and now you are a authjority on atheism please *** off.
Then another seven pages of, “Hey, PZ, look at me!”
And this is the crowd people say I should be in dialogue with. Thanks, folks.